What I'm reading now

I never used to read multiple books at one time but there are just too many books on my list so these day's I've been doubling up. I usually pair a novel with a memoir or some other non-fiction, as I often read different genres at different times or in different locations, depending on my mood. Especially in the summer, everyone needs a good vacation read (in which case I recommend The Vacationers, not pictured here!) If you're need any fitness motivation you know which of these to pick up, and if you want a good cry.... read on to find out:

1. The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt - This took me ALL summer to read but it's totally worth it. Plus then you can join the rest of the universe in saying you're reading "The Goldfinch."

2. Finding Ultra by Rich Roll - I am fascinated by ultramarathon runners and ultra-athletes. Roll's journey to overcome obesity (and much more) to become the athlete he is now (and always has been on some level) is at times completely unbelievable. It will certainly make you think, if Rich can do it, I can (whatever your goal may be)!

3. If I Stay by Gayle Forman - Take note: Do not try to read book this in public as I spent one full day doing - from airport to plane to train. I couldn't keep the tears from coming. That is all.

4. The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman - Take the quiz first, then you'll want to know more!


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