Girl Starts Blog on New Year's (Eve)

This is exactly how I would like to ring in 2013. (But maybe wearing these instead ;-))

Back at the dawn of 2007, Joanna Goddard was "brave" enough to do what I'm sure many people would love to do on NYE: Stay in. She turned her night's activities into her first blog post ever: Girl Stays Home for New Year's, Bakes Cookies. Today A Cup Of Jo is not only my all-time favorite blog and a source of true inspiration for me, but also a Forbes Top Website for Women. I'm sure it must be surreal for Joanna to have seen those NYE cookies turn into what her blog is today. I'm using Joanna's "strategy" to jump into blogging at the start of this new year. I can only hope to attain a small amount of the success she has had, and to continue to be motivated by her (and all the inspiring bloggers out there!) to share my thoughts, feelings, and baked goods with those who care to tune in!

Later today I'll post my resolutions for the year ahead! 

Happy New Year!


{Photo courtesy of Pinterest}

Make Way For Lucky '13

As The Weepies would say, 2012 was Not My Year. It has been the hardest year of my life by far. One in which I've seen my family splinter, had a close friend diagnosed with illness, left my job, lost my home and dog, and on top of it all I turned a quarter century old!!  -->
(OK maybe that last one wasn't so bad.)
This is not to say there haven't also been many life-affirming and joyful moments in 2012. Usually spent with smile-inducing friends and family who I am oh so grateful for. Through it all I have turned to blogs for inspiration and uplifting. It has been my dream for many months (if not years now) to get my own blog up and running. I can't imagine a better time than the start of a new year! 2013 is truly a new leaf for me.
Last month my horoscope gave me this little nugget:
“Keep in mind that you bond with your fellow man through your vulnerabilities, not your strengths.”
 I hope that this blog can be a constructive outlet for me, as well as a means to connect to a strong and supportive community. 
Goodbye 2012...Here Comes 2013!
{Photo courtesy of Buzzfeed via Cake Appreciation Society}
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