So Lucky to Live Here

Yes it's a joke from the Shit Marinities Say video (which I can't find right now), but I really truly mean it when I say it. I am grateful to have been raised in this beautiful county that offers unparalleled beauty outside every door and window. This evening I literally ran out the door of my house, partly in a fit and partly wanting to get in some cardio, and while not necessarily calmed or distracted by it, the vistas here have the great power to remind me to give thanks.
I grew up in Marin with a view of the majestic Mt. Tam. Given the topsy turvy turn my life has taken of late, the view has changed. The view is equally nice, but I still feel a certain amount of resentment about the change itself. That seems utterly ridiculous to admit.  My true solace is the fact that I find comfort in the beauty of the area and the beauty is readily accessible. While views alone don't help to fill the aching of the hole in my heart, they do remind me that there is goodness in life- a lot of it.


  1. So lucky to here!!! How cute is stefano!!!!!!!


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