oh happy weekend 3.11.16

After running my very first marathon last weekend, and making some major life decisions this week (both exhausting), I am ready for a low-key rainy weekend, a.k.a netflix and chill. We'll be celebrating my adorable pregnant friend at a co-ed baby shower, then G and I are having our relationship chart read by an astrologist. (Not going to lie- kind of nervous about this!)
Here's some weekend reading to catch up on:

I FINALLY got a Fiddle Leaf Fig, and now this.

How to build a billion dollar business (and other life lessons.)

Now I want to live on a boat!

Shoes made from sheep wool.
Why elephants don't get cancer. 
Home-spiration (in my hometown.)

Feeling the need to bake all things lemon.


Image via Style Me Pretty. 
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