Oh happy weekend 8.30.14

It's my birthday weekend (yes that's a thing!) and while I haven't had a traditional birthday cake I've had nothing but sweets for 3 days now! (Cookies, flourless cake, multiple cupcake varieties...)  Of course there's still plenty of time in the long weekend to make a cake of my own... that way it's exactly what I want! :)

Enjoy these links for your long weekend!

If I had to pick my favorite cake combo I'd go with yellow cake and chocolate frosting. This one is supposed to be EPIC.

I love everything about this outfit (and put many of these items on my bday list)!

Not many 23-year-old's can say they've had this job!

A recognizable Marin native shares her local love-it list.

The best weekend of the year just came and went...and I'm already looking forward to 8/15/15!

Taking pinatas to a whole new level.

Everyone is talking about the 5 love languages. I need to take the quiz then pick up the book!

Enjoy National Toasted Marshmallow Day! These, these, and all of these looking ah-mah-zing.

Not toasted, but equally delicious: Frozen s'mores.

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